How do I add an assignment?
To Create an Assignment:
Please note: If you create an assignment or lesson in the course curriculum after it's been added to the term, the new assignments will not be visible under the active term.
Step 1: Log in to Develop.Me
Step 2: From the left-hand menu, click Curriculum
Step 3: From the Curriculum page, select the desired curriculum you wish to add an assignment to
Step 4: Click the desired course
Step 5: From the selected course, click the desired version
Step 6: From the top-right tab options, click the Assignments tab
Step 7: After adding all necessary assignment groups, select any assignments you wish to add
Step 8: For example, if you were to select Add Discussion; enter all required fields for this particular assignment.
Please note: If there is a pdf or video you would like for students to reference while completing the assignment, add the desired file on this page.
Step 9: Click Update Assignment template
Congratulations, you have successfully created an assignment!